
Here are some of the basics on how to use the Document class.

Implement a Document Class

Create your classes inherited from Document:

>>> from lovely.esdb.document import Document
>>> from import Property
>>> class MyDocument(Document):
...     INDEX = 'mydocindex'
...     id = Property(primary_key=True)
...     name = Property(default=u'')
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return '<%s [id=%r, name=%r]>' % (
...                     self.__class__.__name__,
...           ,
...           ,
...                 )

The class can now globally be connected to an elasticsearch host.

lovely.esdb uses the elasticsearch python package. We need an instance of the Elasticsearch class to connect our documents to a store:

>>> from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
>>> es_client = Elasticsearch(['localhost:%s' % crate_port])
>>> MyDocument.ES = es_client

If you have only one elasticsearch cluster for your application it is also possible to set the ES client for all new classes globally:

>>> Document.ES = es_client

Create an index for the documents:

>>> es_client.indices.create(
...     index=MyDocument.INDEX,
...     body={
...         'settings': {'number_of_shards': 1},
...         "mappings" : {
...             "default" : {
...                 "properties" : {
...                     "id" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" },
...                     "title" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "analyzed" }
...                 }
...             }
...         }
...     })
{u'acknowledged': True}

Create and Store Documents

That’s all you need. Now you can use it:

>>> doc = MyDocument(id="1", name="John Doe")
>>> pprint(
{u'_id': u'1',
 u'_index': u'mydocindex',
 u'_type': u'default',
 u'_version': 1,
 u'created': True}

Get a Document

To get a document back using its primary key use the get method of your class:

>>> MyDocument.get("1")
<MyDocument [id=u'1', name=u'John Doe']>

Get Multiple Documents

mget allows to get multiple documents by their primary key:

>>> pprint(MyDocument.mget(["1", "2"]))
[<MyDocument [id=u'1', name=u'John Doe']>,

Search Documents

Document provides a query method which allows to do any elasticsearch query. The difference is that the result hits are resolved as Document instances:

>>> _ = MyDocument.refresh()
>>> query = {
...     "query": {
...         "match": {
...             "name": "John Doe"
...         }
...     }
... }
>>> result =
>>> pprint(result)
{u'_shards': {u'failed': 0, u'successful': 1, u'total': 1},
 u'hits': {u'hits': [<MyDocument [id=u'1', name=u'John Doe']>],
           u'max_score': ...,
           u'total': 1},
 u'timed_out': False,
 u'took': ...}
>>> result['hits']['hits']
[<MyDocument [id=u'1', name=u'John Doe']>]

Delete a Document

Deleting a document is as easy as creating it:

>>> doc = MyDocument(id="2", name="to be deleted")
>>> _ =
>>> pprint(doc.delete())
{u'_id': u'2',
 u'_index': u'mydocindex',
 u'_type': u'default',
 u'_version': 2,
 u'found': True}